
The Core Characteristics, Growth Patterns, and Cultivation Strategies of Top-notch Innovative Young Talents in Universities

  • 摘要: 创新是推动经济社会发展的战略支点,拔尖创新人才则是提升国家整体创新水平、推动新质生产力发展的关键因素。高校青年拔尖创新人才作为国家、高校发展的中坚力量,其专业发展是服务国家战略需求的关键路径。高校青年拔尖创新人才具有崇高的历史使命、融合的多重思维、执着的探索精神三大核心特质,受到环境孵化下的共生效应规律、能力涌现下的积累效应规律以及团队共建下的群体效应规律共同作用。针对高校青年拔尖创新人才的培养,应以引才聚才为目的创设梯次合理、衔接紧密的成长通道,以量才促才为核心制定契合度高、针对性强的评价政策,以容才敬才为追求构建可持续性、高质量发展的激励机制。这一系列举措旨在探索并推进一条兼具中国特色与世界一流水平的高校青年拔尖创新人才自主培育之路。


    Abstract: Top-notch innovative talents serve as the strategic force supporting China's high-level technological self-reliance and self-strengthening, which is crucial for accelerating the development of new productive forces. Among them, young top-notch innovative talents in universities are not only potential stars in this group but also the backbone of university development. Their selection, cultivation, evaluation, and growth paths have always been core issues of national strategic needs. Through an in-depth study of the core characteristics of these young talents, we find that they possess three key qualities: ethical integrity as the priority, a lofty sense of historical mission; thinking as the foundation, meticulous logical thinking; and willpower as the source, persistent exploratory spirit. Additionally, their growth is influenced by three major laws: the symbiotic effect law under environmental incubation, the accumulation effect law under the emergence of abilities, and the group effect law under team collaboration. Therefore, we propose the following strategies for cultivating young top-notch innovative talents in universities: firstly, attracting and gathering talents by establishing a reasonably graded and closely connected growth channel; secondly, promoting talents based on their abilities by establishing highly compatible and targeted evaluation policies; and thirdly, respecting and accommodating talents by establishing sustainable and high-quality development incentive mechanisms. These strategies aim to provide useful references and assistance for the cultivation, evaluation, and development of young top-notch innovative talents in universities.


