
The Compass of the Reception History of BAI Juyi——The Circulation and Transformation of BAI Juyi's Anthologies Through the Ages

  • 摘要: 在层出不穷的历代各类诗文选集中,白居易作品的入选比率是其接受史地位高低的“晴雨表”,也是其作品受关注程度的“显示器”,对接受者的选择及阅读趣尚有导向和牵制作用。以白居易诗之多之冗,必待甄选而后始精,删汰而后始善,而选政固亦不易。待选者少则无以取精,待选者多亦难乎所删。梳理历代白居易诗文选集的流传与嬗递,考察专门专题性白居易诗文篇目,分析比较其选目、凡例、评点、批校、序跋等,是研究白居易接受史的重要一端,称之为“指南针”也不为过。


    Abstract: Among the numerous poetry and prose anthologies of all dynasties, the selection ratio of BAI Juyi's works serves as a barometer of his position in the history of reception and a display of the degree of attention to his works. It also plays a guiding and restrictive role in the choices and reading interests of the recipients. Given the abundance and redundancy of BAIs poems, they must be carefully selected to achieve refinement and elimination for improvement, therefore the selection process is not an easy task. If there are too few works to select from, it is difficult to extract the essence; if there are too many, it is challenging to make eliminations. Combing through the circulation and transformation of BAI Juyi's poetry and prose anthologies before the Qing Dynasty, investigating the specialized and thematic selections of his works, and analyzing and comparing their selection criteria, general principles, comments, annotations, prefaces, and postscripts, is an important aspect in the study of the reception history of BAI Juyi. It is not an exaggeration to call it a compass.


