
Ming Wu and Cha Lun——The Way of Mencius' Political and Ethical World

  • 摘要: 孟子的政治伦理世界以王道为根本旨归,其道性善与倡王道共同构成了伦理世界的整体。孟子在论述仁义之道时,强调圣王舜的“由仁义行”源于“明于庶物,察于人伦”,由此得窥明物与察伦作为圣王人格建构与政治实践活动展开的两个面向。明物与察伦之间的究竟关系,也成为历代注孟解孟的一个根本问题。孟子哲学视域下明物的存在论面向与察伦的伦理实践,以终始先后的方式构成了“由仁义行”的一体两面,共同指向“由仁义行”的合外内之道与儒家典型的理想人格类型,进而呈现出儒家心性理论与政治秩序建构之间的内在一体,儒学的政治伦理正是在世之学。


    Abstract: Mencius' political ethics world takes the kingly way as its fundamental purpose. His doctrine of the goodness of human nature and his advocacy of the kingly way together constitute the whole of the ethical world. When discussing the way of benevolence and righteousness, Mencius emphasized that the "benevolent and righteous behavior" of the sage king Shun originated from "understanding the common things and observing human relations", from which we can see that understanding things and observing human relations are two aspects of the construction of the sage king's personality and the development of political practice activities. The ultimate relationship between understanding things and observing human relations also constitutes a fundamental problem consciousness in the annotations and interpretations of Mencius in successive dynasties. Under the perspective of Mencius' philosophy, the ontological aspect of understanding things and the ethical practice of observing human relations constitute the two sides of "benevolent and righteous behavior" in a way of beginning and end, pointing to the way of "benevolent and righteous behavior" that combines the outside and the inside and the typical ideal personality type of Confucianism, and then presenting the internal unity between Confucian theory of mind and the construction of political order. The political ethics of Confucianism is the study of the world.


