
Participation of Macao Associations in Public Governance

  • 摘要: 澳门具有悠久的社团发展史。随着澳门特别行政区的成立,社团进入加速发展期,并在多个领域深度参与公共治理,内容涵盖社会服务、政策倡导与政策咨询、参加选举、输送人才与权益维护等。澳门社团组织的治理参与取得了显著成效:在社会服务领域,形成了社团与政府合作供给的局面;在政治形态上,形成了和谐型政治而非对抗型政治;在社会政治力量方面,形成了多元均衡分布格局。社团组织治理参与也存在一些问题,主要表现在社团政策参与形成社会政策的能力弱化以及治理人才培养乏力。对此,应从政府与社团两方面加以改善:在政府方面,不断推进社团治理参与的制度改善;在社团方面,持续强化社团自身能力建设。


    Abstract: Macao has a long history of association development. With the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, associations have entered a period of accelerated growth and have been deeply involved in public governance in several fields, from social services to policy advocacy and consultation, and from participation in elections to talent delivery and rights protection. The participation of Macao's associations in governance has achieved significant results. In the field of social services, a situation of cooperative provision between associations and the government has been formed. In terms of political forms, harmonious rather than confrontational politics have been formed. In terms of socio-political forces, a diversified and balanced distribution pattern has been formed. There are also some problems with the governance participation of associations, mainly manifest in weakening the policy capacity of the government due to the policy participation of associations and the lack of training of governance talents. Therefore, improvements should be made on the part of both the government and associations: on the part of the government, the system of associations' participation in governance should be continuously improved. On the part of associations, the capacity building of associations should be continuously strengthened.


