新型农村集体经济与相对贫困治理——基于湘桂黔三省1 066份微观农户数据

New Rural Collective Economy and Relative Poverty Governance——Based on 1066 Micro Farmers' Data from Hunan, Guangxi, and Guizhou Provinces

  • 摘要: 伴随农村集体产权制度改革持续推进,新型农村集体经济不断发展壮大,在相对贫困治理中发挥着重要作用。基于湖南、广西和贵州三省四县1 066份微观农户数据,全方位探讨参与新型农村集体经济对相对贫困治理的影响与作用机制,发现参与新型农村集体经济能显著促进相对贫困治理;新型农村集体经济发展通过提高经营性收入、创造非农就业机会、培育家庭持久脱贫信心促进相对贫困治理,而增加财产性收入未通过机制检验。异质性分析结果表明,无论农户是否为监测对象、所处地形是否为山地、是否经历过自然灾害,参与新型农村集体经济均显著促进其相对贫困治理;而对于监测对象、处于山地地形或未经历过自然灾害的农户,其影响效果则更加明显。


    Abstract: With the continuous promotion of rural collective property rights system reform, the new rural collective economy continues to develop and grow, playing an important role in the governance of relative poverty. Based on 1066 micro farmer' data from four counties in Hunan, Guangxi, and Guizhou provinces, this study comprehensively explores the impact and mechanism of participating in the new rural collective economy on relative poverty governance. It is found that participating in the new rural collective economy can significantly promote relative poverty governance. Mechanism analysis shows that the development of the new rural collective economy promotes relative poverty governance by increasing operating income, creating non-agricultural employment opportunities, and cultivating lasting family confidence in poverty alleviation, while property income has not passed the mechanism test. The heterogeneity analysis results indicate that regardless of whether farmers are monitoring objects, whether they are located in mountainous areas, or whether they have experienced natural disasters, participating in the new rural collective economy significantly promotes their relative poverty governance. For monitoring objects, farmers located in mountainous terrain, or those who have not experienced natural disasters, the impact effect is even more pronounced.


