
The Idea of Shenming (神明) and Taihe (太和) in Laozi Zhigui: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Dao

  • 摘要: 《老子指归》最突出的特点是引入神明、太和概念以阐发道德之义。学者多从宇宙论的角度诠释神明、太和与道德的关系,认为它们代表了宇宙发展的不同阶段。这种宇宙发生学视角难以全面解释《老子指归》的整体文本。将神明、太和纳入道的范畴,对《老子指归》中道、德、神明、太和的历时性描写进行整体性、内在化的诠释可知,神明、太和是道自身的呈现和表达,它们与道为一整体。神明体现了道的精神性向度,是连接道与个体生命的关键,同时也体现了道在人文世界的决定性力量;太和代表容纳多元差异性的和谐,正面体现了道的作用。《老子指归》通过神明、太和展现了道的丰富内涵,并将作为本体的道与人的生命境界和人文世界更内在地联系起来,具有深刻的意义。


    Abstract: The most important characteristic of Laozi Zhigui is using the idea of Shenming (神明) and Taihe (太和) to interpret Dao. Some scholars explain Shenming and Taihe as different stages in universal development. This cosmological explanation doesn't fit with the whole text of Zhigui. Shenming and Taihe are the demonstration of Dao itself. Shenming displays the spiritual dimension of Dao and connects Dao to the life of human individual, showing Dao's significant influence in human world. Taihe represents harmony and diversity, which are a positive expression of the work of Dao in the world. The idea of Shenming and Taihe is a great contribution to the philosophy of Dao.


