
The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Embedded Position of Firms in Global Value Chains

  • 摘要: 数字化已经成为中国当前经济转型的重要方向,数字化转型也成为后疫情时代世界各国重塑全球价值链的重要力量。基于2007—2016年中国A股上市公司数据与海关数据,实证研究企业数字化转型对全球价值链嵌入地位的影响及作用机制,发现:数字化转型对企业全球价值链嵌入地位存在显著的提升作用;数字化转型通过提高供应链协同效率、降低供应链集中度和提高创新产出促进企业全球价值链嵌入地位的攀升;数字化转型对企业全球价值链嵌入地位的影响存在行业和地区间的差异性。中国要借助数字经济实现经济高质量发展和高水平对外开放,中国的企业需通过数字化转型实现全球价值链地位的攀升,可行的对策包括:建设高效的数字化供应链,加快企业数字化转型进程;培养企业自主创新能力,解决关键技术的瓶颈问题;增强企业数字化转型相关促进政策的针对性和普惠性。


    Abstract: Digitalization has become a new direction of China's current economic transformation, and digital transformation has also been an irreversible force for the world to reshape the global value chain in the post epidemic era. Based on the data of Chinese listed companies and customs data from 2007 to 2016, we empirically study the impact of firms' digital transformation on the embedded position of the global value chain and the possible mechanisms. We find that digital transformation has a significant promotion effect on the embedded position of firms' global value chain. Digital transformation contributes to the rise of GVCs position by improving supply chain synergy efficiency, reducing supply chain concentration and increasing innovation output. Furthermore, the effect of digital transformation on the embedded position of GVC varies among industries and regions. These findings provide some insights for China's strategy of achieving high-quality economic development and high-level opening-up through the digital economy, and also provide some references for firms to rise GVC embedded position through digital transformation.


