
Rural Teachers' Professional Development from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization: Dilemma and Breakthrough

  • 摘要: 乡村教师的专业发展既能为乡村振兴提供优质教育,又能为乡村振兴构建活力文化,还可以为乡村振兴造就现代农民。所以,乡村教师的专业发展与乡村振兴战略的实现息息相关、休戚与共。然而,乡村教师队伍面临着为乡信念的缺失、乡土知识的匮乏以及内生能力的弱化等诸多现实困境,这将会直接影响乡村振兴战略的实施和成效。基于此,乡村教师需要从以下方面寻求专业发展的突围之径,以便更好地服务中国乡村振兴战略。首先,精心培植个人的为乡信念,强化专业素养的内驱动力;其次,努力扩充自身的乡土知识,重塑专业成长的美好蓝图;最后,积极发挥个体的主体作用,强化专业发展的内生能力。


    Abstract: The professional development of rural teachers can not only enable them to provide high-quality education for rural revitalization but also help to build a dynamic culture and cultivate modern farmers for rural revitalization. It is closely related to the realization of the rural revitalization strategy. However, the rural teachers face many practical difficulties, such as the lack of belief in service of the rural area, the lack of local knowledge and the weakening of endogenous capacity, which will directly affect the implementation and effectiveness of the rural revitalization strategy. Rural teachers need to seek breakthroughs of professional development from the following aspects in order to better serve China's rural revitalization. First of all, they should cultivate personal belief in rural service and strengthen the internal driving force for their professional quality. Secondly, they should expand their local knowledge and reshape the blueprint of their professional growth. Finally, they should give full play to their personal role and strengthen their endogenous ability of professional development.


