
University Silver Age Teachers Assist in Building an Education Power: Unique Advantages, Influencing Factors, and Optimization Mechanisms

  • 摘要: 作为助力教育强国建设的独特支持力量,高校银龄教师发挥着优质教育资源贡献者、教育均衡发展促进者、高尚教育情怀释放者和优质教育文化创生者的独特优势。其中,政府决策、时间维度、空间差异与个体因素成为深度影响高校银龄教师的重要因素。为此,应系统优化制度设计,从帮扶治理、资源挖潜、精神帮扶和专业发展等方面建构高校银龄教师教育帮扶机制。


    Abstract: As a unique force in supporting the construction of an education power, university silver age teachers play a unique advantage in contributing high-quality educational resources, promoting balanced development of education, releasing noble educational sentiments, and creating high-quality educational culture. Among them, government decision-making, individual factors, time dimensions, and spatial differences have become important factors that deeply affect university silver age teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically optimize the system design and construct an educational assistance mechanism for university silver age teachers from the aspects of assistance governance, resource tapping, spiritual assistance, and professional development.


