
The Historical Reason Based on Practice——On Larrain's Reinterpretation of Marxism's Theory of Practice

  • 摘要: 第二国际以来历史唯物主义理论面临教条化的问题;西方马克思主义通过实践概念对历史唯物主义进行重新阐释,但容易缺乏“清晰理性”因而陷入空洞历史观的问题。莱尔因试图通过重释马克思的实践理论去解决这两种问题,其中问题的核心在于,实践基础上的普遍的、作为一般理论的历史理性何以可能。通过对实践概念的明晰,对历史唯物主义作为一般理论的可靠性论证,对历史理性在实践中生成的原理分析,以及对“异化实践”和“解放实践”这两种实践形式的区分,莱尔因批判了先验实践观上的历史理性逻辑,确证了实践基础上的历史理性的生成逻辑。


    Abstract: Since the Second International, the theory of Historical materialism has faced the problem of dogmatism. Western Marxism reinterprets Historical materialism through the concept of practice, but it is easy to fall into the problem of empty historical view due to the lack of "clear rationality". Larrain attempted to solve these two problems by reinterpreting Marx's practical theory, and the core of the problem lies in whether there exists a universal historical reason as a general theory based on practice. By clarifying the concept of practice; by demonstrating the reliability of Historical materialism as a general theory; by analyzing the principles of historical reason generated in practice; and by distinguishing between Marx's two forms of practice, the practice of alienation and the practice of emancipation, Larrain criticized the historical rational logic in the transcendental practice view and confirmed the generative logic of historical reason based on practice.


