
The Sociological Turn of the Concept of Lifeworld

  • 摘要: “生活世界”最初是胡塞尔晚期现象学中的重要概念,舒茨对其进行了社会学改造,哈贝马斯将其理解为“生活世界—系统”两层面结构社会的其中一个层面,从而完成了这一概念的社会学转向。这一转向可以从内容和形式两个方面进行阐释。从内容上看,生活世界虽然最初是作为一个重要的哲学概念出现在胡塞尔晚期的超越论现象学之中,但有关它的阐释却蕴含着丰富的社会学内容;舒茨为了使韦伯的意义理论在哲学上得到奠基,对胡塞尔的生活世界概念进行了社会学的改造,生活世界为构成社会元素的行动提供意义,而行动也同样赋予生活世界以意义;哈贝马斯则从语用学的立场对生活世界进行了再改造,使之成为其社会批判理论的奠基概念。从形式来看,胡塞尔所理解的生活世界概念既包含了主观世界也涵盖了客观世界,是对近代主、客二分思维方式的否定;舒茨进一步从社会学的立场强调了客观世界或社会世界的意义基础和文化内涵,他关于生活世界的理解蕴含着主观世界与客观世界的统一;哈贝马斯则从言语行为与世界的关系入手,把生活世界理解为客观世界、社会世界和主观世界的统一,揭示了作为交往行动背景的生活世界所具有的批判力量,为他的社会批判理论奠定了牢固的基础。


    Abstract: The concept of lifeworld has completed the sociological turn in Habermas' thought. This turn can be explained from its content and form. In terms of content, although the lifeworld initially appeared in Husserl's late transcendental phenomenology as an important philosophical concept, the interpretation of it contains rich sociological contents. In order to lay the foundation of Weber's theory of meaning in philosophy, Schutz made a sociological transformation of Husserl's concept of lifeworld, which provides meaning for the actions that make up social elements, and action also gives meaning to lifeworld. Habermas reformed the lifeworld from the standpoint of pragmatics, and the lifeworld has become an important concept in his social critical theory. From the perspective of form, Husserl's concept of lifeworld combines the subjective world and the objective world, which negates the modern dichotomy of subject and object, while Schutz further emphasizes the meaning basis and cultural connotation of the objective world or social world from the standpoint of sociology, and his understanding of the lifeworld contains the unity of the subjective world and the objective world. Habermas, on the other hand, starts with the relationship between speech acts and the world, understands the lifeworld as the unity of the objective world, the social world and the subjective world, and reveals the critical power of the lifeworld as the background of communicative action. it has laid a solid foundation for his social critical theory.


