
China's Strategy for Forming the New Development Paradigm within the RCEP Framework

  • 摘要: RCEP的签署为推动中国经济高质量发展、塑造双循环新发展格局提供了重要的历史机遇。RCEP框架下贸易投资自由化便利化措施、高标准经贸规则以及贸易新议题的规范为塑造新发展格局提供了坚实的基础,但其内源结构性风险、外源干扰性因素以及标准对接下的改革问题也为中国新发展格局的稳定带来了不确定风险。中国应持续深化改革,强化技术创新与经济合作,充分发挥RCEP对内循环的倒逼作用,不断拓展RCEP框架下外循环的经贸空间,积极消弭内外源结构性风险,为塑造新发展格局营造良好空间。


    Abstract: The signing of RCEP provides a huge opportunity to promote the high-quality development of China's economy. Trade liberalization measures, high-standard economic and trade rules, and regulation of new trade issues within the RCEP framework provide a solid foundation for forming the new development paradigm. However, RCEP's internal structural risks, external interference factors, and reform issues under the docking of standards also bring uncertainty to the dual-cycle development pattern. We should continue to deepen reform, strengthen technological innovation and economic cooperation, continue to expand the economic and trade space within the RCEP framework, actively eliminate internal and external structural risks of RCEP, and create a good environment for forming the new development paradigm.


