
The Near Future Setting of Japanese Contemporary Science Fiction

  • 摘要: 科幻文学的近未来设定,是指通过当下意识辩证地预构未来的社会结构体系。许多科幻作品明确设定了近未来。日本当代科幻文学在延续其科幻传统的基础上直面社会危机,从政治批判、灾难预测、时空探索和文化反思四个向度设定近未来,并生成标志性符号,形成对现实与未来关系的创造性理解,体现了在“智能+”时代文学文化观念与时俱进的特质。对近未来的设定表明,日本当代科幻文学将人置于时空、科技和文化网络的核心,创作出既有普适意义又有日本民族特色的科幻文学,对我们认识和发展中国科幻文学有较强的借鉴价值。


    Abstract: The Near Future setting, a very common phenomenon of science fiction, refers to the fact that the future social structure in the science fiction is conceived and set up on the basis of the author's understanding of the current reality. Modern Japanese science fiction confronts the social crisis while adhering to its tradition, thus establishes Near Future settings from four dimensions including political criticism, disaster prediction, time and place exploration, and cultural reflection through the employment of iconic signs, posing a creative perception of the relationship between the current reality and the near future, and signifying the unique innovative characteristic of culture and literature in an "intelligence+" era. The Near Future setting manifests that contemporary Japanese science fiction puts humans at the center of the networks of time and place, science and technology, and culture, providing a kind of fiction that embodies both universal significance and unique Japanese culture, which is a strong merit that Chinese science fiction can absorb in its future development.


