
Collaborative Symbiosis: The Inheritance Logic and Development Trend of the Concept of Grassroots Social Governance

  • 摘要: 在全球语境下,中国社会为现代基层治理贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。在提倡“人类命运共同体”和“共同富裕”的具体实践中,“以人民为中心”的价值遵循和民众广泛参与的“共生逻辑”作为基层社会治理的实践性认知和事实性描绘,将历史影像、现实问题和时代际遇融合统一,在中国构建和谐社会实践中不仅具有脉络相连的历史传承性,也具有新时代场域下的理论自洽性和实践契合性,实现了对中国传统治理思想的价值重塑及对西方个人自由主义价值观的实践超越。这种重塑和超越,集中体现在从“混沌无序”转向“秩序协同”、从“线性逻辑”转向“复合治理”、从“个体化思维”转向“共同体理念”等理念和实践维度上,彰显着民众地位的改变、政府治理思维的转变以及基层治理方式的创新。


    Abstract: The Chinese society has contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solution regarding modern grassroots governance in the global context. In the specific practice of advocating a "community with a shared future for mankind" and "common prosperity", the "people-centered" community value orientation and the symbiotic relationship of grassroots people are the practical cognition and factual description of the grassroots social governance in the new era, which has achieved transcendence over the Chinese traditional people-oriented thinking and the western individual liberalism values. The reshaping and transcendence are mainly reflected on the dimensions from chaos to order, from linear logic to compound governance, and from individual thinking to community concept.


