
Organization Reconstruction: The Action Guarantee of Rural Revitalization

  • 摘要: 组织振兴是乡村五大振兴的重要内容。党中央、国务院对集体经济组织与农民合作组织推动组织振兴提出了新的要求,也多次提出发展集体经济组织与合作经济组织。本文在系统阐述集体经济发展与合作社规范化建设推进状况、集体经济组织与合作经济组织发展情况与政策沿革的基础上,深入剖析集体经济组织与合作经济组织推动组织振兴的典型探索与案例,并探析集体经济组织推动组织振兴的新形式——党支部领办合作社的成功实践。以集体经济组织与合作经济组织推进组织振兴需要做好五方面的工作:提升农村改革的整体协同性、优化集体经济发展制度环境、构建集体经济发展长效机制、深化合作社质量提升行动、推动集体经济组织与合作社融合发展。


    Abstract: Organizational revitalization is an important part of rural revitalization. The CCP Central Committee and the State Council have put forward new requirements for pushing rural revitalization via collective economic organizations (EO) and cooperative EOs and repeatedly stressed the development of collective and cooperative EOs. On the basis of systematically expounding the reform of rural collective economy, the promotion of cooperative standardization and the development and policy evolution of collective and cooperative EOs, some typical cases of collective and cooperative EOs promoting organizational revitalization are analyzed in detail and a new form of collective EOs promoting organizational revitalization is highlighted, i.e., the Party branch leading the management of cooperatives. To promote the organizational revitalization via collective cooperative EOs, efforts need to be made in five aspects: improving the overall coordination of rural reform, optimizing the institutional environment for the development of collective economy, building a long-term mechanism for the development of collective economy, deepening the action of improving the quality of cooperatives, and promoting the integrated development of collective EOs and cooperatives.


