
Research on the Deeds of CAI Shiwen's Family, the First Merchant of Guangzhou Cohong in the Qianlong Period——Study on Thirteen Hongs in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty No.6

  • 摘要: 蔡世文家族是清代广州十三行发展史上的重要家族之一,早在18世纪30年代初便参与广州的对外贸易,在祖孙德汉官、蔡仲官、蔡文官和Seequa三代人的共同努力下,商行经历义和行、逢源行、万和行三次变迁,家族贸易实力从弱变强,从广州行商队列中实力较弱的小行逐渐发展成为十三行中的重要大行之一。家族杰出人物蔡世文(蔡文官)更是于乾隆五十三年(1788)出任广州洋行公所首商,成为当时广州对外贸易的商业领袖。蔡世文家族在清代广州对外贸易史上活跃六十余年,对该家族三代行商的家世、商业经历进行详细考述,可加深对清代广州贸易史和早期广州十三行史的认识,为进一步拓展行商家族研究提供范例,从而丰富中国商业史的研究内容。


    Abstract: The CAI Shiwen family is one of the important families in the history of the thirteen trade lines in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty. They participated in Guangzhou's foreign trade as early as the early 1730s, their Hong experienced three changes of I-ho Hong, Feng-yüan Hong, and Wan-ho Hong. The family business changed from weak to strong. The outstanding figure CAI Shiwen even served as the first merchant of the Guangzhou Foreign Trade Office in the 53rd year of Qianlong (1788), and became the business leader of Guangzhou's foreign trade at that time. The CAI Shiwen family was active in the history of foreign trade in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty for more than 60 years. A detailed study of the family background and business experience of the family's three generations of merchants can deepen the understanding of the early history of the Thirteen Hongs in Guangzhou.


