
The Yuan Dynasty Poet-Monk Shi Ying's Baiyunji and the Book Exchange in Pre-modern East Asia

  • 摘要: 在古代的东亚汉籍交流中,有大量中国诗僧文集流传到日本,并因此衍生了一批中国诗僧文集的日本古写本、古刻本和古注本。这些文献是研究中国古代文学在东亚汉文化圈流传的宝贵资料。元代诗僧释英及其《白云集》就是一个很好的个案,展现了日藏中国诗僧文集的文献价值。日本古写本《锦囊风月》中有多首题为“释英”的诗歌,实为他人之诗。《白云集》现存和刻本有应安本、日本南北朝无刊记本和宽文本,其与中国的清本多有异同,从中体现出东亚汉籍交流的复杂性。《鳌头白云诗集》是现存唯一一部《白云集》的日本古注本,体现了江户时代日本文人对《白云集》的深入解读。《白云集》也对东亚汉文学产生了一定影响。


    Abstract: In the pre-modern book exchanges within East Asia, lots of literary collections of Chinese poet-monks were circulated to Japan, and there were many manuscripts, printed editions and annotations of these collections, which preserved many rare materials of classical Chinese literature and had great influence on Japanese literature written in classical Chinese. The poems by Shiying of Yuan Dynasty preserved in Japanese old manuscript is studied, the difference between Japanese and Qing Dynasty editions of Baiyunji is analyzed, and the characteristics of the only annotation of Baiyunji within the East Asia community entitled Goto hakuun shishu is described. The circulation and influence of Baiyunji in Sino-graphic literature is also discussed.


