
Falsifying Three Articles Attributed to Wang Anshi

  • 摘要: 自南宋开启的王安石诗歌辨伪工作已取得了重要成果,但王安石文章的辨伪还有不少工作要做。新出土《宋故前尚书祠部员外郎宋君夫人俞氏墓志铭》,作者应为王公仪,墓志署名“王安石撰并书”,系后人挖改。《王文公文集》中的《回皇亲谢及第启》系误收,启中的“皇亲”是赵叔盎,而启的作者是张璪。《景定建康志》所载《乞废玄武湖为田疏》一直被当作王安石的佚文,然其中“车驾巡狩”之语,表明此疏当非王安石所作,其作年或在北宋末年。


    Abstract: Since the Southern Song Dynasty, the discrimination of Wang Anshi's poetry and prose has achieved important results. But some work remains to be done in this regard. The newly unearthed epitaph of Yu, wife of Mr. Song, should have been written by Wang Gongyi, and the epitaph signed "Wang Anshi" was distorted by later generations. The Reply to the Letter of Thanks from Royalty was included in The Writings of Wang Anshi by mistake. The royal relative in the letter was Zhao Shu'ang, and the author of the letter was Zhang Zao. The Proposal or Transforming Xuanwu Lake into Field contained in The Jingding Chorography of Jiankang has been regarded as an article by Wang Anshi, but some words in the article indicate that it may have been written finished at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.


