
A Study of the Newly Found 34-Volume Edition of Cuiweihuaguan Ci by Ge Zai

  • 摘要: 清代词人戈载的《翠薇花馆词》有多种版本存世。新近发现的三十四卷本是目前所知戈载词集中刊行最晚、收词最多的版本,末四卷词作大部分作于戈载归里乡居之后,据其内容可补充戈载晚年的生平事迹。此书经过徐世昌、林葆恒、黄裳等著名藏书家递藏,卷末有黄裳手书书跋一篇。通过考订、梳理现存《翠薇花馆词》八卷本、十卷本、二十七卷本、二十九卷本、三十卷本、三十四卷本等重要版本的刊刻时间及源流关系,可以揭示戈载屡次刊刻及修订词集的过程。


    Abstract: Of the many editions of Ge Zai's Cuiweihuaguan Ci, the newly found 34-volume edition is the one which was published latest and contains the most of the author's ci works. The last four volumes were written after Ge Zai came back o live in his hometown and tell much about the life of his late years. The different editions of Cuiweihuaguan Ci are analyzed regarding their respective publishing time and their mutual relationship, revealing the process whereby Ge Zai wrote, revised and published his Ci works.


