
Reflections and Choices on the Judicial Governance of Minor Crime Cases——Starting from Drunk Driving Cases

  • 摘要: 随着以醉驾案件为代表的轻罪治理工作从“治罪”迈向“治罪与治理并重”的时代转型,我国逐渐形成了轻缓刑罚、无条件不起诉和附条件不起诉三种并存的司法治理模式。审判阶段适用缓刑、定罪免刑的轻缓刑罚模式,具有罪刑相适应、短期自由刑否定两大理论基础,但无法从根源上解决轻罪附随后果严重而预防不足的问题。在审查起诉阶段进行宽缓处理的无条件不起诉模式,将轻罪案件直接排除在刑罚制裁范围之外,可以彻底避免犯罪附随后果发生、减轻司法机关的办案压力,但也面临放纵犯罪、检察官自由裁量权过大的适用局限性。近年来,由检察机关根据行为人履行附加条件的情况决定是否起诉的附条件不起诉模式实践兴起,通过发挥刑罚替代、矫治预防功能,实施治理的外部激励机制,可以被视为未来轻罪司法治理的创新模式,但也需要处理好这一模式的理论非议、社会力量发展不健全等适用障碍。


    Abstract: With the modernization of misdemeanor governance, represented by drunk driving cases, China has gradually formed three coexisting judicial governance models: lenient punishment, unconditional non prosecution, and conditional non prosecution. The concentrated manifestation is the application of probation in the trial stage, which has two theoretical foundations: adapting to the crime and punishment, and negating short-term free punishment. However, it cannot fundamentally solve the problem of serious consequences and insufficient prevention of minor offenses. The unconditional non prosecution model of leniency in the review and prosecution stage, which directly excludes minor crime cases from the scope of criminal sanctions, can completely avoid the occurrence of criminal consequences and reduce the pressure on judicial organs to handle cases. However, it also faces limitations in the application of indulgence in crime and excessive discretion of prosecutors. In recent years, the practice of conditional non prosecution mode, in which the prosecutorial organ decides whether to prosecute according to the supervision and investigation of the actor, has sprung up. By giving play to the function of penalty substitution, correction and prevention, and implementing the external incentive mechanism of governance, it can be regarded as an innovative mode of judicial governance of misdemeanors in the future, but it is also necessary to deal with the theoretical criticism of this mode, the imperfect development of social forces and other applicable obstacles.


