
On the Standpoint of Chinese Culture in Research on Chinese Modern Literature

  • 摘要: 新时代对近代文学研究提出了以坚持文化自信、坚守中华文化价值立场为中心的新要求和新期待。深刻记取近代文学学术史经验,纠正和弥补既往研究中存在的偏颇与不足,回归中华文化立场,全面提升学术水平和学术境界,既紧迫又重要。具体做法主要包括:确立以近代文学知识谱系和学科体系为中心、以中华优秀传统文化的近代转换及形态为主体内容与精神内核的科学体系和价值标准;构建以古今融通、中西会通为基本思想指向和学术路径,以综合兼容、互鉴共生为主导研究视野和基本权衡尺度的先进学术观念;坚持以探究中国文学古今转换,中西交汇之际的多变现象与复杂问题、演变路径与变革规律,反思和吸取文学史经验教训为基点的学术立场;积极进行研究方法的新尝试和新探索,确立以中国传统文学研究方法为基础与核心,适当借鉴西方学术方法的合理有效的研究方法;构建以中华优秀传统文化精神为底蕴,以中国文学思想艺术体系为核心,适当借鉴和吸纳西方学术观念、学术话语的话语体系;确立探究中国文学古今演变、转换创新的历史规律和现实可能,助力当下文学创新、学术进步、思想文化建设的学术目标;深入全面地总结近代文学的思想艺术经验,追求为更加深湛广阔的思想文化、文学艺术建设贡献学术智慧和思想力量的学术理想。通过以回归中华文化立场为核心内涵的持续建设和不懈努力,将近代文学研究提升到新境界,发展到新水平。


    Abstract: In the new era, new requirements and expectations centering on stronger confidence in Chinese culture and the standpoint of Chinese cultural value have been raised to the research on Chinese modern literature. In such circumstances, the task of learning lessons from the history of Chinese modern literature research, correcting biased opinions, and making up shortages in order to return to the standpoint of Chinese culture and improve the overall academic level in the related research is becoming pressing and important. To be more specific, it requires the establishment of an academic system and a value standard based on the knowledge linage of Chinese modern literature and the spiritual core of the exquisite Chinese traditional culture in the modern transformation, of a academic concept of cultural compatibility and reference, of an academic path integrating the ancient and modern times, the Chinese and the western cultures, of an academic standpoint of learning lessons from the history of literature, of research methods with the core of Chinese traditional scholarship and supplement of western methods, of a discourse system with the foundation of the exquisite Chinese traditional cultural spirit enriched by western academic concepts and discourses, of an academic objective of assisting the progress of the current literature, scholarship and culture by investigating the law of history and realistic possibility for the evolution and innovation of literature, and of an academic pursuit of making profounder and broader academic contributions to culture, literature and art. It is aspired that the research on Chinese modern literature will be pushed to a new level by the unremitting efforts in the academic contribution, the essence of which is the return to the standpoint of Chinese culture.


