
The Discourse Practice of Smart Cities in China: An Analysis Based on Policy Discourse Network

  • 摘要: “智慧城市”(Smart City)从最初的海外概念,逐步成为中国城市建设的重要政策理念和实践载体。基于政策话语视角,刻画中国智慧城市建设不同阶段多元主体的话语特征及其结构,分析智慧城市“海外概念—政策理念—政策实践”的政策话语演化过程发现,智慧城市从概念引入到全国铺开,呈现为三个阶段:智慧城市“概念导入阶段”,地方政府与相关企业组成政策话语联盟,建设智慧城市必要性与合理性的话语初步形成;智慧城市“探索实践阶段”,各主体对如何建设智慧城市,形成具有不同设想的话语分流;智慧城市“全面发展阶段”,智慧城市成为国家战略后,各主体关于智慧城市的话语开始走向合流。从微观话语互动到宏观政策形成的分析视角,考察智慧城市从概念到实践的政策话语过程,有助于理解中国央地关系背景下的政策过程与特点。


    Abstract: The term "smart city", a foreign term in origin, has gradually come to denote an important policy concept and become a practical carrier of urban construction in China. The multiple-actor characteristic and structure of smart city discourse in the different stages of smart city construction in China is described in terms of policy discourse, and the evolution of policy discourse of smart city from an overseas concept to a policy concept and then to policy practice is analyzed. It is found that there have been three stages from the introduction of the concept "smart city" to its nationwide spread: the concept introduction stage, at which the local government and relevant enterprises form a policy discourse coalition and the discourse of the necessity/rationality of smart city construction is initially formed; the exploration and practice stage, at which people come up with different imaginations on how to build a smart city and the discourse begins to diverge; and the comprehensive development stage, at which smart city construction becomes a national strategy and the discourse of different people begins to converge. Attempts are made to provide an analytical perspective from micro-discourse interaction to macro-policy formation and investigate the process of smart city policy discourse from a concept to practice, which is helpful for understanding the policy process and characteristics against the background of central-local relationship in China.


