
From "Solidified Identity" to "Dynamised Competition": The Evolutionary Logic of the Double First-Class Initiative in China

  • 摘要: 基于博弈论构建制度生成与演变的解释框架,分析从重点大学到“双一流”建设的历程,探讨“双一流”战略如何打破身份桎梏、重构开放竞争背后的动力机制及创新路径,厘清战略演变的制度逻辑,发现:中央政府战略目标转变等外生环境变化提供了增量资源与资源再分配的机会,为“双一流”建设提供了动力源;引入地方政府、地方大学作为主要博弈参与者克服了计划资源分配弊端,形成多方参与博弈的开放竞争新格局。在新博弈规则的驱动下,中央政府、地方政府、高等院校逐渐改变其主观博弈模式,集中增量资源大力发展优势学科,为进入“双一流”行列提供内生动力。“双一流”战略取得了较好成效,营造了开放、竞争、动态的制度环境,初步构建了中国特色一流大学和一流学科建设模式。未来将面临处理好外部治理与内部博弈之间的关系、一流大学聚集性与高等教育系统均衡性之间的关系的挑战。


    Abstract: This study, grounded in game theory, constructs an explanatory framework for the generation and evolution of institutions. It analyzes the trajectory from key universities construction initiative to Double First-Class Initiative, exploring how the new Initiative breaks through identity constraints, reconstructs the underlying mechanisms of open competition and innovation, and clarifies the institutional logic of initiative evolution. The results indicate that changes in external environmental factors, such as the shift in central government strategic goals, have generated opportunities for incremental resource allocation and redistribution, providing the motivation for the construction of the Double First-Class Initiative. The involvement of local governments and local universities as main participants in the game has overcome the drawbacks of designed resource allocation, shaping a new landscape of open competition with multiple participants. Driven by the new rules of the game, the central government, local governments and higher education institutions gradually alter their subjective game models, concentrating on developing advantageous disciplines with incremental resources, thereby providing endogenous forces for entry into the Double First-Class ranks. Overall, the Double First-Class Initiative has achieved relatively good results, creating an open, competitive and dynamic institutional environment. On the other hand, it has built a distinctive Chinese model for the development of first-class universities and disciplines. In the future, it will be necessary to manage the relationship between external governance and internal games, as well as the balance between the clustering of first-class universities and the equilibrium of the higher education system.


