
Cultural Responsibility of Cultural Industry and Its Realization Path in the New Era

  • 摘要: 文化责任是文化产业自身属性的内在规定。文化产业的文化责任是文化满足责任与文化引领责任的统一,是文化传承责任与文化创新责任的统一,是国内文化责任与国际文化责任的统一。新时代向文化产业提出了更高的文化责任要求,更加强调文化产业的价值导向、审美功能和安全责任。要实现新时代赋予的文化责任,文化产业必须切实加强自身建设,努力走出一条中国特色社会主义文化产业发展之路。一是要提高政治站位,强化责任担当;二是要秉承文化自觉,坚持正确导向;三是要坚持“人民中心”,打造文化经典;四是要坚守中华文化,加强国际交流;五是要完善制度机制,接受社会监督。


    Abstract: Cultural responsibility is the inherent stipulation of the property of cultural industry. The cultural responsibility of cultural industry includes the unity of cultural satisfaction responsibility and cultural leading responsibility, the unity of cultural inheritance responsibility and cultural innovation responsibility, and the unity of domestic cultural responsibility and international cultural responsibility. In the new era, cultural construction puts forward higher requirements for cultural responsibility to the cultural industry, emphasizing the value orientation, aesthetic function and safety responsibility of the cultural industry. In order to realize the cultural responsibility given to cultural industry in the new era, we must strengthen the construction of cultural industry, and strive to find a way to develop the socialist cultural industry with Chinese characteristics. Firstly, we should improve our political position and strengthen our responsibility; secondly, we should adhere to cultural consciousness and correct orientation; thirdly, we should adhere to the "people's center" and create cultural classics; fourthly, we should adhere to Chinese culture and strengthen international exchanges; fifthly, we should improve the institutional mechanism and accept social supervision.


