
Spatial Selectivity and Reform Benefits: Policy Arrangements and Governance Logic of China's Special Development Zones

  • 摘要: 特殊区域的发展既是大国治理的映射,更是地方发展模式变迁的缩影。改革开放以来,给予特殊区域政策倾斜以释放改革红利成为国家空间选择的重要策略,放权赋能、政策工具叠加、管理体制灵活设置是中央面向特殊发展区释放改革红利的主要体现。特殊发展区具有三重属性,既是承担各类治理任务的发展空间,也是叠加多种改革红利以实现改革突破的治理工具,还是动态调整的制度安排,为其获得政策倾斜提供基础性支撑。追求发展效能提升、实现改革风险分担是扩大特殊发展区改革权限、塑造其政策优势的重要原因,并构成国家空间选择的双重治理逻辑。面向特殊发展区的体制机制创设为实现统筹发展与安全的治理提供了路径支撑。


    Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, the development process of special areas has not only reflected the transition of a major country but also encapsulates the changes in local development models. The delegation of power, overlay of policy tools, and flexible management system have together shaped the formation of special policies for the special development zones. The national spatial selectivity for the special development zones encompasses not only territorial spatial planning in its traditional sense but also reflect in the preferential special policies aligned with spatial positioning, as well as the differentiated management system based on specific spaces. This constitutes the three-fold attributes of China's special development zones: they serve as development spaces that undertake governance tasks, tools for governance with overlapping multiple policy benefits, and stable institutional arrangements. The effectiveness of development and the sharing of risks jointly mold the dual governance logic of China's special development zones.


