
Ecological Environment and Humanistic Environment Shaping Individual Cultural Orientation: Evidence from Middle School Students in Dong and Oroqen Areas

  • 摘要: 采用词汇分类、自我膨胀、忠诚与裙带关系任务比较两个少数民族地区不同民族(侗族地区的侗族和汉族,鄂伦春族地区的鄂伦春族和汉族)中学生的文化倾向性。研究1比较侗族和鄂伦春族中学生的文化倾向性,研究2考察侗族地区和鄂伦春族地区的汉族中学生的文化倾向性。结果表明,鄂伦春族地区的鄂伦春族学生和汉族学生更倾向于个体主义,侗族地区的侗族学生和汉族学生更倾向于集体主义,说明生态环境和人文环境是影响文化倾向性的重要变量。生态环境决定生产方式,人文环境决定人际交往方式,二者合力塑造个体的文化倾向性。


    Abstract: The lexical classification task, sociogram task and loyalty-nepotism task were used to compare the cultural orientation of middle school students from different ethnic groups (Dong and Han people in the Dong area and Oroqen and Han in the Oroqen area) in two minority-populated areas. Research One compared the cultural orientation of middle school students of Dong nationality and Oroqen nationality. Research Two investigated the cultural orientation of middle school students of Han nationality in Dong regions and Oroqen regions. The results showed that the students of Oroqen and Han nationalities in the Oroqen area are more individualistic, whereas the students of Dong and Han nationalities in the Dong area are more collectivistic, indicating that ecological environment and humanistic environment are important factors affecting cultural orientation.


