The Social Revolution Proposition of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Its Formation and Logic
Graphical Abstract
The fact that the political situation did not improve after the founding of the Republic of China made intellectuals feel disappointed about the political revolution, the goal of which was to change the state system. The diplomatic failure at the Paris peace conference proved that the western countries′ claim of democracy, freedom and equality was nothing but a fig leaf for power. The simultaneous disenchantment with China and the world led to a strong desire to reform the world and a repulsion against the elite of the world. Intellectuals began to search for alternative approaches to political revolution, analyzed and thought about the revolutionary problem from the standpoint of reforming the world. The historical materialism and the class struggle theory of Marxism met the psychological needs of the times and was widely disseminated and applied. The antagonism between the bottom and the upper elites constituted the basic structure and basic contradiction of the world in the eyes of intellectuals. The overthrowing of capitalism became the primary goal, and the social revolution with economic revolution as its surface feature and world revolution as its fundamentals became the basic proposition of the Communist Party of China, which determined the basic elaboration of revolution in the program of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China.