
Read My Serial New School Poems: A Discussion about Huang Zunxian's Literary Works

  • 摘要: 黄遵宪是晚清第一代走出国门的外交家之一。在十余年出使东洋和西洋的过程中,黄遵宪已经成为中国为数不多的、能站在自立于世界民族之林的高度比较东西方文明优劣,从自强、富足、进步的角度思考国家与民族命运的知识分子。黄遵宪“吟到中华以外天”的诗,以“我手写我口”,“诗中有人,诗外有事”的努力,留下了诗人丰富的情感经历,也留下了晚清“游东西洋者”艰难的思想跋涉历程。


    Abstract: Huang Zunxian belonged to the first generation of diplomats who went abroad in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of more than ten years of service as an envoy to the East and West, Huang became one of the few intellectuals in China who could compare the advantages and disadvantages of Eastern and Western civilizations from the perspective of self-reliance and think about the destiny of the country and people in terms of self-improvement, prosperity and progress. Huang's poems were "chanted to the world outside China", and he "wrote down my ideas with my hand" such that "there are people inside the poem and meanings outside the poem". As a result, he has left in his poems the rich emotional tumult of a poet of the "innovative realm of verse" as well as the difficult ideological trek of a man who "traveled from the East to the West" in the late Qing Dynasty.


