
Scholarly Tendency of Literati Collections in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  • 摘要: 明清别集编纂中,有一引人注目的现象,即打破只录单篇辞章和以诗赋为中心的编纂传统,在别集命名、内容收录和编次体例上,都呈现出显著的著述化趋势,甚至涌现出大量以述学为主、完全无涉诗赋辞章的"学人文集",并伴随着相应的理论自觉。这种变化,体现了明清士人对别集起源、性质、功用及文学观念的独特理解,也透露出诗赋辞章地位的日渐衰微。


    Abstract: The compilation of literati collections in the Ming and Qing Dynasties showed a striking characteristic of breaking the tradition of purely collecting poems and articles. There appeared a significant tendency of scholarliness shown in the title, content and classification of the literati collections. There even emerged a large number of scholarly collections dominated by academic discussions and ignoring poems and articles. This change reflects the unique understanding of the origin, feature and function of literati collections and the literary conceptions by the intellectuals in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It also reveals the declining status of poems and articles.


