
Bringing into the Presence: Jiang Kui's Figure and His Style Modeled in the Creative Ci Writing in Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 姜夔对于清代词学发展有着重大的影响力。清代词人不仅在创作中极力推崇姜夔,将其作为崇高的目标,而且非常关注姜夔在词乐上的成就,往往以姜夔的创作为典范,对其自度曲的效法尤为突出。姜夔词中的情韵、意趣、字法、句法等也是他们关注的重点,他们总结出姜夔最有标识性的写作特点,从而努力去寻找师法学习的门径。在中国文学的发展过程中,创作和理论有着互动的关系,很多作家也许不会专门写作理论著作来表达其观念,但他们往往会通过创作做到这一点,从清代词人对姜夔的师法中也可以明确地看出来。


    Abstract: Jiang Kui had great influence on the development of Ci poetry in the Qing Dynasty. The Ci poets in the Qing Dynasty not only highly praised Jiang Kui and made him a lofty goal but also paid close attention to his achievements in the Ci music composition. They often took Jiang Kui's Ci poetry as a canon and, especially, learn from his creative composition. They also focused on the sentiment, meaning, words and syntax disposed in Jiang's Ci poetry, summing up the most indicative features so as to better learn from him. In the development of Chinese literature, there is an interactive relationship between writing and theory. It is interesting that despite of the lack of theoretical writings to express the writing idea, we may find that many writers consciously applied the methods to their writings. The way the Ci writers learned from Jiang Kui clearly indicated the relation between theory and creation in the Qing Dynasty.


