
Psychological Assistance of COVID-19 Epidemic Situation and Analysis of Its Typical Cases

  • 摘要: 新冠肺炎疫情的肆虐给人们的心理造成巨大冲击和影响。基于疫情心理应激与心理援助的特点, 心理援助工作者应以求助者为中心, 聚焦于目标, 采取评估、共情、积极资源取向的提问等融合并进的方法进行干预, 这样才能使求助者在咨询时有好的体验并取得积极的效果。


    Abstract: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still raging,which has caused a huge psychological impact on people.Based on the characteristics of psychological stress and assistance under epidemic circumstances,this paper puts forward an intervention strategy which takes help seekers as the center,focuses on the goal,and questions in an integrated way with orientations of evaluation,empathy and positive resources.Through the analysis of four psychological assistance cases,the effective intervention strategy was further interpreted.


