
The Text Characteristics and Governance of Internet Rumors in Sudden Major Public Health Events: A Case Study of the Rumors of COVID-19 Epidemic Refuted on the China Internet Joint Rumor Platform

  • 摘要: 以“新型冠状病毒疫情”为例,选取中国互联网联合辟谣平台所披露的谣言信息为研究对象,从谣言主题、指涉目标、佐证证据、内容主张、谣言表现方式五个维度,对疫情相关谣言文本特征进行内容分析。研究发现,谣言善于利用受众心理,强化重要性和接近性,展现权威性与表述模糊化交织,信息真假掺杂有辨别难度,营造理性冷静的话语方式。谣言主题以病例与防疫措施相关话题为主,指涉目标多为事件及机构、时间地点指向明确,佐证证据突出权威与图证,内容主张以分享新知为主、行动建议为辅,多采用无指称且模糊性第三方来源的简短叙事型表现方式。研究提出,由官方、专家、媒体、专业辟谣组织、网络意见领袖共同搭建信息发布和谣言治理平台,政府、媒体和民众多方发力,加强科学传播,压缩谣言滋生时间空间,对突发性重大公共卫生事件网络谣言进行治理。


    Abstract: The COVID-19 epidemic-related rumors refuted by China Internet Joint Rumor Platform is selected as the research object and content analysis is adopted as the research method to analyze the text characteristics of these rumors on five dimensions: the subject of the rumors, the involved objects, the supporting evidence, the content claim, and the expression of the rumors. The study finds that rumors are good at using audience psychology, strengthening importance and proximity, showing the interweaving of authority and vague expression, mixing authenticity and falseness of information to cause difficulty in distinction, and creating a rational and cool-headed discourse. It is proposed that the government, experts, media and rumor-refuting organizations jointly build platforms for information release and rumor management and that the government, media and the public work together to reduce the time and space in which rumors breed and manage internet rumors in case of sudden major public health events.


