
The Elegant Life of a Letter-writing Assistant in the Late Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 徐敦仁是晚清名臣蒋志章幕府的书启师爷,他的《日损斋日记》记录了其在成都、西安两地游幕的生活,是研究书启师爷的重要史料。对读徐敦仁入蜀途中的日记与诗歌,可知不同文体在表达其经历与情感方面的异同;考察徐敦仁在幕府中起草文书、批阅试卷、代作诗文、编校书籍等工作,可知书启师爷在佐襄文事上的具体贡献;徐敦仁日常活动以读书与临帖为主,读书以集部居多,临帖以馆阁体为宗,皆和其书启师爷身份契合;徐敦仁的收入大部分用来养亲,与亲人的通信成为其重要的精神生活支柱; 日记还记载了他为舅父蔡嘉玉发起的捐款,与《苏州府志》的相关记录存在着有趣的公私视角的差异。风雅生活,反映出以徐敦仁为代表的部分书启师爷的某些共性。


    Abstract: Shuqi Shiye (leter-writing assistant) is a private secretary responsible for an official's paper work. Xu Dunren was a letter-writing assistant for Jiang Zhizhang, who was a reputed official during the late Qing Dynasty. Xu's diary Risun Zhai Diary records his life as a letter-writing assistant in Chengdu and Xi'an and is an important historical material for the study of letter-writing assistants. A comparison between Xu's diary and the poems he wrote on his way to Sichuan reveals the similarities and differences between different styles in expressing his experiences and emotions. An examination of all the tasks he mentioned in his diary, including drafting documents, marking examination papers, writing poems and essays in the name of his boss, and editing and proofreading books, brings to light the special contribution of those letter-writing assistants to the management of literary affairs. The diary discloses Xu's daily life, which was occupied primarily by reading and calligraphy. He read a lot of Confucian classics and calligraphed the pavilion style mostly. These two activities are consistent with his professional identity. The diary also exhibits Xu's income and expenditure. His income was mainly used to support his relatives, and his correspondence with his relatives was an important pillar of his spiritual life. The diary records the donation he initiated for his uncle Cai Jiayu. There are interesting differences between the records of Suzhou Fu Zhi and those of this diary, one being public and the other private. The elegant life of Xu represents some common features of letter-writing assistants in the history.


