
Service and Space Integration: Analysis of the Optimized Path of Grassroots Governance Community

  • 摘要: 基层治理作为实现社会治理现代化的精准切口,承载着治理重心下移的时代任务与人民期待。在基层场域实现服务与空间的融合,不仅为社区服务碎片化、空间布局分散化、邻里关系淡漠化等难题提供了破题思路,更是明确了以空间承载服务、将服务嵌入空间的基层治理共同体的建设方向。以青岛市李沧区新时代邻里式党群服务中心建设的过程为例,可归纳出“空间设施改造—服务持续嵌入—邻里精神培育”的动态优化路径。在此基础上进一步识别出党建引领、资源联结、共识培育的融合机制,为基层治理共同体建设提供了规范化、可推广的解释机制与经验借鉴。


    Abstract: As a precise perspective to realize the modernization of social governance, grassroots governance bears the task of the times and the expectation of the people. The integration of service and space in the grassroots field not only provides a breakthrough idea for the fragmentation of community service, the decentralization of spatial layout, the desertification of neighborhood relations and other problems, but also clarifies the construction direction of the grassroots governance community that carries service by space and embeds service in space. Taking the case narrative of the new era neighborhood center in Licang District of Qingdao as an example, the paper concludes the dynamic and stage optimization path of pre-space transformation-service continuous embedding-neighborhood spirit cultivation. On this basis, the integration mechanism of Party guidance, resource connection and consensus cultivation can be further identified, which can provide a standardized and popularizing explanation mechanism and experience reference for the construction of grassroots governance community.


