
Using the Treaty Law Convention to Guide and Restrict the Arbitral Tribunal's Power of Treaty Interpre-tation

  • 摘要: 由于仲裁庭随意解释、扩大解释和背离缔约国缔约意图解释条约的现象时有发生,对仲裁庭条约解释权的引导和制约问题就显得尤其重要。缔约国可以在投资条约中明确规定《维也纳条约法公约》的地位和作用,利用该公约引导和制约仲裁庭的条约解释行为,强化文本解释法与目的解释法的结合,发挥有效解释法和合理解释法的辅助性作用,积极运用系统整合解释法和演进解释法,以推动仲裁庭严谨解读条约条款、正确适用法律、兼顾投资条约与其他国际法规则的关系、平衡与投资有关的各方利益,进而确保投资条约的准确、真实、有效和合理解释。


    Abstract: As the phenomenon of arbitrary interpretation, expansive interpretation and interpretation deviating from the contracting states' intention of investment treaty often occurs, the guidance and restriction of the arbitral tribunal's power is particularly important. State parties can clearly define the status and role of the treaty law convention (TLC) in investment treaties. Using TLC to guide and restrict the arbitration tribunal's treaty interpretation behavior, strengthening the combination of text interpretation and teleological interpretation, giving full play to the auxiliary role of effective interpretation method and reasonable interpretation method, and actively applying the systematic integrated interpretation method and the evolution interpretation method will help the arbitral tribunals to interpret the treaty provisions strictly, apply the law correctly, reason rigorously and consider the relationship between investment treaties and other international laws as well the balance between the interests of all parties concerned with investment. All these methods are helpful to promote the accurate, true, effective and reasonable interpretation of investment treaties.


