
The Conflict of Interests and Underlying Factors of the Mode of Mixed Order-based Training——A Multi-case Study of N Technical College

  • 摘要: 在高质量发展背景下,校企协同育人的难点之一是订单式人才培养中多元利益诉求的有效协调。基于多案例研究法对N技工院校中6个校企合作育人专业(共18个订单班)的实证分析显示,订单式人才培养呈现混合化发展趋势,并呈现出“五阶段四主体”的模式特征。该培养模式下的核心利益主体包括技工院校、订单班教师、用人单位和订单班学生,其利益冲突与博弈的交叠影响催生出校—企、校—生、校—师、企—生、企—师、师—生等博弈失序问题,影响人才培养质量及效益。引发博弈失序的深层动因包括制度层面的宏观和微观制度功能缺失与执行失效,法律层面的校企合作订单式育人地位模糊,以及文化层面的就业导向观、利益本位观与个人本位观冲突。为协调多元利益诉求、推动各主体实现良性博弈,应从制度建设与文化整合两个层面入手,围绕“准备阶段—班级组建—班级授课—最终考核—实习就业”的人才培养全链条实现机制优化。


    Abstract: In the context of high-quality development, one of the difficult problems in school-enterprise collaborative parenting is the effective coordination of multiple interests in order-based talent cultivation. Based on the empirical data of 18 order-based classes in technical college, this study develops the "Five-stage, four-subject" model of mixed order-based training. The core stakeholders in practice include technical colleges, teachers, employers, and students in order classes. The interest conflicts and struggling strategies among the stakeholders lead to six forms of conflict of interest. The underlying factors include three aspects, including: the function of macro and micro system being missing and the execution is invalid; the legal status of education by school-enterprise cooperation order being vague; and the cultural concept being conflict and the divergence. In order to effectively coordinate multi-interests and promote the realization of benign struggle, it is important to start with system construction and cultural integration, which include the whole chain optimization management strategy of talent cultivation throughout the five training stages (preparation stage; class organization; class teaching; final assessment; internship employment).


