
The Development of Higher Education in Macau under the Vision of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area:Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures

  • 摘要: 粤港澳大湾区建设对于澳门高等教育事业的发展而言,既是机遇,又是挑战。当前,澳门高等教育事业面临着高等教育定位趋于固化、内生局限性强、法律制度建设滞后以及质与量发展不平衡等诸多挑战。在大湾区建设背景下,澳门高等教育只有充分把握大湾区发展机遇和优质资源,积极开展与大湾区内高校间的互补性合作与良性竞争,才能将挑战化为新的机遇。在此过程中,澳门高等教育事业需化被动为主动,在确立长远发展规划的基础上,与大湾区内高校优势互补、错位发展,不断完善高等教育相关制度,提升高等教育质量,打造澳门高等教育品牌。


    Abstract: The initiation and development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area bring both opportunities and challenges to Macau's higher education. At present, Macau's higher education is facing many challenges such as the consolidation of orientation, the limitations of endogenous nature, the lag of legal system construction as well as the imbalance between quality and quantity. In the context of constructing the Greater Bay Area, Macau's higher education should grasp the development opportunities, make rational use of high-quality resources within the area and actively carry out complementary cooperation and benign competition with the universities in the area, so as to switch the challenges into new opportunities. In the process, Macau's higher education needs to get rid of passiveness and take the initiative, take advantage of its strengths to develop with the universities in the Greater Bay Area in complementary ways on the basis of establishing its long-term development plans, and build the brand by continuously improving the relevant institutions or systems and the quality.


