财税扶持与村镇银行绩效:“发展论”还是“依赖论”?——来自全国1 177家村镇银行面板数据的证据

Fiscal and Tax Support and Village and Township Bank Performance: "Development View" or "Dependence View"—Evidence from the Panel Data of 1 177 Village and Township Banks in China

  • 摘要: 财税扶持对村镇银行绩效的效应评价,既关乎政府干预解决农村金融市场失灵问题的效率和精准性,也是有效推动村镇银行实现社会绩效、财务绩效双重目标的核心问题。税收优惠对村镇银行的社会绩效、财务绩效均产生显著的促进效应,财政补贴则无显著促进效应,甚至对村镇银行的成长性产生了显著的抑制效应。随着村镇银行发展阶段的演进,税收优惠对村镇银行服务覆盖广度、盈利能力的促进效应逐渐减弱。财税扶持政策并未有效提升村镇银行的自生能力,验证了财税扶持政策的“依赖论”假说。


    Abstract: Evaluation of the influence of the government's fiscal and tax support of Village and Township Banks(VTBs) on their performance is not only a major issue concerning whether government economic interventions are effective and accurate in relieving the market failure but also a core issue in the achieving VTBs' social and financial goals. Based on the unbalanced panel data of 1, 177 VTBs from 2015 to 2018, the impact of fiscal and tax support of government on promoting the social and financial performance of VTBs is examined using a two-way fixed effect model. The study finds that tax preference has significant positive influence while fiscal subsidies even have significant negative influence on growth of VTBs. The positive effect of tax preference on the outreach and profitability of VTBs is gradually weakened with the increase of operation time. Due to their dependence on supporting tax and fiscal policies, the self-sustainability of VTBs has not been effectively improved. This verifies the "dependence view" on fiscal and tax support.


