茅根红, 林丽萍. 恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》的反贫困思想及其当代启益[J]. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, (3): 142-155.
引用本文: 茅根红, 林丽萍. 恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》的反贫困思想及其当代启益[J]. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, (3): 142-155.
MAO Genhong, LIN Liping. Engels' Anti-Poverty Thought in the Condition of the British Working Class and Its Contemporary Enlightenment[J]. Journal of South China normal University (Social Science Edition), 2024, (3): 142-155.
Citation: MAO Genhong, LIN Liping. Engels' Anti-Poverty Thought in the Condition of the British Working Class and Its Contemporary Enlightenment[J]. Journal of South China normal University (Social Science Edition), 2024, (3): 142-155.


Engels' Anti-Poverty Thought in the Condition of the British Working Class and Its Contemporary Enlightenment

  • 摘要: 工人阶级的贫困是现实存在着的社会灾难的最直接表现,是包含英国工人运动在内的当代一切社会运动的基础和出发点。《英国工人阶级状况》中,恩格斯从工业革命的生产力与市民社会关系的矛盾性视角分析了无产阶级与资产阶级的对立,并指出这种对立关系的结果表现为工人阶级的贫困。青年恩格斯深入工业革命历史,阐明物质生产活动及其发展是人类社会发展的真正基础,并从之前对社会生产能力与不道德竞争关系矛盾性的思考,转为通过工业革命发展及其推动市民社会关系的变革展开对私有制的批判,进而透过英国工人的贫困现象阐释了工人运动推翻资本主义制度争取人类解放的历史使命。厘析恩格斯反贫困思想的主要内容,对推动我国满足人民美好生活需要、发展中国特色反贫困理论以及树立人类命运共同体理念大有启益。


    Abstract: The poverty of the working class is the most direct manifestation of the social disaster that exists in reality, and it is the foundation and starting point of all contemporary social movements, including the British labor movement. In The Condition of the British Working Class, Engels analyzed the opposition between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie from the perspective of the contradiction between the productive forces of the Industrial Revolution and the relationship between civil society, and pointed out that the result of this opposition is the poverty of the working class. Young Engels delved into the history of the Industrial Revolution, clarifying that material production activities and their development were the true foundation of human social development. And from the previous contradictory thinking on the relationship between social production capacity and unethical competition, to the criticism of private ownership through the development of the industrial revolution and its promotion of changes in civil society relations. Through the poverty of British workers, Engels explored the historical mission of the labor movement to overthrow the capitalist system and strive for human liberation. Analyzing the main content of Engels' anti-poverty ideology is beneficial for promoting the realization of the people's needs for a better life, developing China's anti-poverty theory with Chinese characteristics, and establishing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.


