
Research on the Original and Consequence of SU Shi's Letters

  • 摘要: 宋刊东坡“大全集”收录尺牍的主体部分(第175首至最末第809首)源于以补遗东坡“七集”为目的、成书时间下限在两宋之际的《东坡外集》,以时编次,严谨有法。而“大全集”收录尺牍不源于《东坡外集》的补充部分(第1首至第174首),来自纷欣阁丛书本《东坡翰墨尺牍》所据的宋代“文本系统”,以人编次,编纂欠佳。宋刊“大全集”被明成化本东坡“七集”的底本洪熙本《苏文忠公集》承袭,成为成化“七集”之《东坡续集》收录尺牍的源头。成化《东坡续集》收录尺牍实际上成为今天东坡尺牍研究的基本资料来源,这一情况显然不能令人满意。今后使用东坡尺牍,应该追溯到《东坡外集》《东坡翰墨尺牍》以及洪熙本代表的宋刊“大全集”,然后才能轮到成化《东坡续集》。


    Abstract: DongPoWaiJi is the main and better original of SU Shi's letters (from the 175th to the 809th), which was edited in the period between Northern Song(960-1127) and Southern Song(1125-1210) Dynasty, in order to complete the whole works of SU Shi. The rest part of letters (from the 1st to the 174th) came from another bad original of "text-system" in Song Dynasty, which can be represented by DongPo-HanMoChiDu (Edition of FenXinGe Series). Today, researchers always use DongPoXuJi as the only source of SU Shi's letters, which is just the later consequence of the two originals. It is to say, whenever we study SU Shi by his letters, the first-hand texts are not DongPoXuJi but DongPoWaiJi and DongPo-HanMoChiDu.


