
The Practice Retrospect, Theoretical Destiny and Operation Image of Conviction Assisted by AI

  • 摘要: 刑事司法正经历深度智能化。人工智能辅助定罪办案系统加速迭进,冲击着传统定罪观念的知识禁区。传统定罪理论体系、本质特征、运行机制整体上遭遇挑战,由此孕育专属的人工智能辅助定罪司法知识体系、理论基础。人工智能辅助定罪由经实践检验的理性要素合成其制度本体,为量刑正义赋以新能。经由算法逻辑及其规则,形成科学的理论知识谱系与实践理性模型,并辅以完备的匹配、验证等运行机制,铸成人工智能辅助定罪系统的基本应用原理。人工智能辅助定罪不脱离传统理论。以司法大数据及其蕴含的“活着的”定罪逻辑为实践前提与参照,奠定辅助预测定罪功能的客观性、真实性与可靠性。当前,针对认罪认罚案件的人工智能辅助(确认)定罪,迎来得天独厚的实践优势与探索契机。


    Abstract: In the context of AI exploration of criminal justice, the AI conviction prediction accelerates the exclusion of traditional concepts. From the practice of AI conviction prediction, the accurate prediction function is the focus and presents a distinctive feasibility. The traditional conviction theory system and its operational mechanism have been subverted as a whole, and the AI conviction prediction has begun to foster a self-contained knowledge system. The precondition for the practice of AI conviction prediction is judicial big data and its judicial conviction logic. The intelligent decomposition of judicial big data lays the objectivity, authenticity and reliability of AI prediction function. The precise prediction function of AI conviction has successive development forms such as class push and intelligent case push. It establishes its complete prediction mechanism through algorithm logic and rules to form knowledge pedigree and modeling, and configures a complete verification mechanism. In the operation mode of AI conviction prediction, the forecasting of confession and punishment cases has unique advantages and opportunities.


