周建伟. 党的领导制度体系:内涵、定位、意义与内在逻辑[J]. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, (2): 28-37.
引用本文: 周建伟. 党的领导制度体系:内涵、定位、意义与内在逻辑[J]. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, (2): 28-37.
ZHOU Jian-wei. System for Overall Leadership of the CPC: Connotation, Localization, Significance and Inner Logic[J]. Journal of South China normal University (Social Science Edition), 2020, (2): 28-37.
Citation: ZHOU Jian-wei. System for Overall Leadership of the CPC: Connotation, Localization, Significance and Inner Logic[J]. Journal of South China normal University (Social Science Edition), 2020, (2): 28-37.


System for Overall Leadership of the CPC: Connotation, Localization, Significance and Inner Logic

  • 摘要: 党的领导制度是我国的根本领导制度。党的领导制度体系是党和国家权威机构制定的,明确国家治理中权力配置和“权威-服从”关系的规则体系,在国家治理体系中处于“统领”和“圆心”位置,具有驱动治理体系有效运转、增进政治信任、促进国家稳定发展的重要功能, 能够提高中国共产党科学执政、民主执政、依法执政水平。十九届四中全会对党的领导制度体系的规定,对推动党的全面领导制度化、规范化、程序化, 国家治理清晰化、科学化、完善化具有重要意义, 能够消除对党的全面领导的误解与曲解。党的领导制度体系有其内在逻辑:全面领导实践是制度基点;保证正确发展方向是基本目标;以人民为中心是价值立场;维护党中央权威和集中统一领导是核心要义;总揽全局、协调各方是基本原则; 全面从严治党是根本保障。


    Abstract: The system for overall leadership of the CPC is the fundamental leadership system of China. It is established by the Party and state authoritative organizations for the purpose of defining reasonable and effective power allocation and authority-subordinate relationship. With the "dominance" and "center" position in national governance, the system has important functions of driving effective governance, enhancing political trust and promoting national development, and can improve the governing ability of the CPC on the dimensions of science, democracy and law. The provisions of the fourth plenary session of the 19th central committee of the CPC on the Party's leadership system are of great significance in promoting the institutionalization, standardization and routinization of the overall leadership, and the clarity, scientization and perfection of national governance, eliminating the misunderstanding of the overall leadership. The system for overall leadership of the CPC has it's inner logic: the foundation lies in the practice of comprehensive leadership, the goal is to ensure the correct direction of development, the value standpoint is taking the people as the center, the primary task is to safeguard the authority of the CPC central committee and its centralized and unified leadership, the basic principle is overall governance and coordination, and the fundamental guarantee is the comprehensively strict governance of the Party.


