
Flexible Scale Reconstruction: The Administrative Logic of Urban Innovation Zone Development——An Analysis Based on the Development of National Functional Zone A

  • 摘要: 城市创新区作为创新要素聚集的区域,超越传统开发区,从生产要素驱动模式转向创新驱动,在推动城市高质量发展、促进产业创新转型、政府制度创新等方面发挥着重要作用。尺度重构理论具有“结构—过程”多重属性,为揭示政府何以推动城市创新区发展提供了理论视角。以A国家级创新功能区为例,对其自设立至升级为国家级创新功能区的政府运作过程进行追踪,发现A区的发展是在不改变原有空间权力结构的基础上,以政府再尺度化战略来实现空间治理的策略,呈现柔性尺度重构的特征,具有更强的灵活性和适应性。具体来说,城市创新区尺度重构的“柔性”体现为城市空间等级、权力结构、社会网络等以灵活的方式被组织;尺度重构过程则充满了不确定性与机动性,不同层级政府在重构事项协商过程中具有较大的协商议价空间。城市创新区发展最终呈现出“国家—区域—地方”等不同尺度共同参与的多尺度共治的治理图景。


    Abstract: Urban innovation zones, as hubs for innovation, surpass the traditional production factor-driven development zone model by adopting an innovation-driven approach. These zones are crucial in promoting high-quality urban development, industrial innovation transformation, and government system innovation. The scale reconstruction theory, characterized by its "structure-process" attributes, provides a theoretical perspective on how governments promote urban innovation zone development. Using National Innovation Functional Zone A as a case study, this research tracks governmental operations from its establishment to its elevation to a national functional zone. The findings indicate that Zone A's development is guided by a government rescaling strategy aimed at achieving spatial governance without altering the existing spatial power structure. This approach exhibits the characteristics of flexible scale reconstruction, demonstrating increased flexibility and adaptability. The "flexibility" of scale reconstruction in urban innovation zones is specifically reflected in the adaptable organization of urban spatial hierarchies, power structures, and social networks. The process of scale reconstruction is marked by uncertainty and mobility, allowing significant negotiation and bargaining space for governments at different levels during the negotiation process. Ultimately, the development of urban innovation zones results in a multi-scale governance landscape involving the joint participation of various scales such as "national-regional-local."The findings of this study will help to advance the localized use of scale reconstruction theory.


